
Together improve processes, leads to higher operational efficiency

Effective restructuring of business processes is something you do together.

Digital transformation -DT-

Businessprocess -BPR-

Cyber Security -CS-


Strategy for Digital Transformation

Linking people and technology is not a  sinecure. Only a third of organizations appear to be going for an almost 100% digital transformation. After all, not everything can be automated, and then, it can become a buzzword.

Are there goals for digital transformation?

Moving with the times is equivalent to changing. Transformation is a choice that organizations and their employees must be ready for, and the desired technology must be so flexible that everyone benefits from it.

We try to motivate your people in such a stimulating way that changes have positive effects on the organization.

Digital transformation fundamentally changes how organizations think and act with technology and strategy.

While many organizations still run on Excel spreadsheets and email, it's wise to share and think scalable in marketing, sales, and customer service.

Business Process Reengineering

In a world that is changing rapidly, where costs often rise and suppliers suddenly stop, organizations can suffer from adverse industrial conditions.

Non-commercial organizations are also struggling with shorter lines, more regulations, privacy, and security, whereby expectations have to be adjusted. By mapping out various parties, the interests, and the formula of the organization, it can quickly become clear how this can be transformed.

A reorganization is often the result when the economic climate changes and people forget to make timely adjustments due to time pressure or otherwise. BPR is a discipline for implementing radical improvements in business processes and organizational costs, based on various analyses. A thorough analysis takes time, but it is quickly recouped.

We help organizations rethink their working methods and processes, for example by eliminating bottlenecks or working together more efficiently, with the aim of higher productivity and cost optimization.

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is a process designed to protect networks and devices from external threats.

It's about people and understanding how cyber threats can affect your organization.

An external security risk analysis can give you in-depth insight into your current cybersecurity.

We can help with an audit for a clear cybersecurity threat, by identifying your IT environment and seeing how data is handled within your organization. But also with the understanding that security is better than doing nothing, or thinking that the organization will not bleed because someone else is responsible for it.

We provide a foundation of proposed safeguards and can also produce a plan of action to protect your confidential information, maintain your employees' productivity, and increase your customers' confidence in products and services.

Please talk to us or send us a ticket.

Good to know:

OFC helps with an audit and looks at the way of a transformation. OFC can help choose the physical solution, implementation, design, planning, and execution, which are crucial for achieving the desired goals. OFC has no economic ties with suppliers based on the need for integrity, but can help you select the right one for your organization